Monday, July 04, 2005

...and so I dedcided that I should start my own blog.

I've never been very good at beginnings. Once I get going I'm okay, but it really does take me an awful lot to actually get going in the first place. For some reason I feel like I should treat this opening entry like I'm going on a blind date with you, the reader (if indeed you actually exist). Obviously it may end up being something of a one sided date, since I have no idea whether there will be anybody who will read let alone respond to my idle musings. By the way, I should really start by saying that I've decided to do this as a sort of therapy. I enjoy writing. I may, or may not, be very good at it (I'm certainly not in a position to judge), but I enjoy it none the less. I decide that I have so many odd thoughts that occur to me that I needed to have an outlet for them. Sort of like dreaming for the conscious mind. So, consider this blog to be like a sort of waking dream. A place where my conscious mind can mull over the days events (or weeks, months or years events. It really depends how prolific I decide to be). Actually, saying that it's going to be a "Waking Dream" really hypes it up far too much. It's far too poetic a way of describing what is bound to end up being an absolute nonsense. That aside, I should really continue...

So, I thought that I should approach this in the same way i would approach a blind date.

Actually I've found that as the years go by I've become more guarded about myself, especially around new people. I expect that this is something that happens to a lot of us. I worry about how people will react to me if they know what I'm really like. So like, I would presume, many others, I erect a persona to shield unsuspecting newcomers from my true horrors. You see I'm quite strange in my own way. Quite neurotic. Wracked with fear about the things I haven't done and guilt over those I have. Guilt and regret. My persona tries to sell me as being a confident ambitious and fun. Unfortunately, all to frequently, the real me leaks through.

But then, gentle reader, you've told me nothing of yourself so I don't feel particularly inclines to give you any more of my life story. Not yet. Not all in one go. If you want to know more read on. That is, of course, presuming that there are any further entries to follow. If you're reading this blog now (whatever "now" means to you at this very moment), you'll know better than I in what I currently call now as to whether any entries follow this or whether this passage stands alone.

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