Friday, February 02, 2007

Guest Starring Mildly Depressed and Extreme Grumpiness

Another horrible day. I was woken up by a nice sounding lady (but aren't the all) from a recruitment agency who was just calling to let me know that they really didn't have anything suitable. Thanks for that. Being a terrible sleeper there was absolutely no way that I was going to manage to nod off again so I got up. Well, not so much got up as simply reached across my bed for my laptop switched it on, and stayed in bed for the next hour or so. After trawling through a few of my favourite websites, and checking.replying to my emails (some of which were from agencies who'd dropped me a line to let me know that they had either simply received my CV or had no interest in it, and consequently me, whatsoever) I set about looking for a few more agencies to whom I could send my CV. Some of them even get back to me the same day, though its only so that they can tell me that hey have "nothing suitable" but that they will "keep my CV on file". It's all a load of bollocks isn't it.

So the rest of the day continued in much the same vein. I'd send an agency my CV and they'd either ignore it or tell me to fuck off. I'd actually started to believe that it wouldn't be like this.

So what the fuck am I going to do? I'll have to keep trying more and more agencies, but what happens when, inevitably, they all turn me down? I'm going to end up having to go back to the first one and take their offer of a boring, mediocre job. And then what? It's becoming clear that I'm unemployable (at least as far as any good jobs are concerned), so I'm probably going to be forced to take on a string of mediocre and unfulfilling jobs for the rest of my life. I can see it all now. I'll have a bland, mediocre job, be married to a bland, mediocre woman (if I get married at all) and have a couple of bland, mediocre kids. And we'll all live in a bland mediocre house in a bland mediocre suburb of a bland mediocre city (not even a bland mediocre suburb of London like Harrow. My bland mediocre salary will make it impossible to live even on the cusp of anywhere vaguely good. I expect I'll end up in somewhere like Milton Keynes).

There will be no mystery and no excitement in my life. Just drudgery and disappointment.

So, to summarise, today I've been more than a little bit grumpy owing to lack of sleep and a tad depressed owing to lack of job. On the plus side my Mum wasn't around all day which was what gave me the chance to waste my time trying to get an agency to give a shit. Of course, inevitably she came back and it didn't take her long to start having a go at me for not looking for a job. Obviously I am, but I have no intention of telling her that. Her interference pisses me off no end, which is why I decided to keep her completely in the dark about everything job related.

Oh, one last thing a but my mum. Her stupidity and ignorance actually managed to reach such heights (or lows) as to surprise me today. Obviously she always has a baseline level of idiocy, but her comment this evening was simply off the charts. She declared that she thought that AIDS was only something you could catch if you were gay. Unbelievable. I had no idea she was that ill educated as to believe such a thing. She then went on to admit that she "Didn't really know much about AIDS" bit that she assumed it was only a gay thing because "that one from Queen died of AIDS didn't he?" Jesus Christ, it's no wonder I'm such a looser if 50% of my genetic make up comes from her. On the plus side, she did at least defend "gays" to her church group after some small point about gay couples adopting came up, but even still...

But what wonders will tomorrow hold? Will the guy from the first agency keep to his word and actually call me before the end of the week? Will he actually have good news? Will anyone have good news. Whilst I suspect that the answer to all of the above questions is no I did at least want to have a stab at creating an element of suspense (ruined purely by this last sentence).

Anyway, I'd better get some sleep before I get woken up by an early phone from someone at an agency who wants to tell me how useless I am.


Anonymous said...


Sorry to leave a random comment but trying to figure out whether I should go to the roxy on a saturday night for my birthday this week and you seem to be quite a regular.

Just wondering quite what the music is, and what the clientele are like? Assuming cos it's the roxy its better people than Strawberry Moons esque despite the seemingly cheesy music policy?

Any thoughts would be ace! Want a good night :-)


DoubleDown said...

I wouldn't want to guarantee it, but I'm pretty sure you'll have a good time. The music can veer towards cheese, but really it's more aptly described as being self-consciously unpretentious (he said somewhat pretentiously). It usually starts off with a solid block of indie classics before they gradually sneak in a few songs you'll probably only sing, and indeed, dance along to when you've had a few drinks. Don't worry, overall the music stays pretty solid throughout the evening.

The clientele are a pretty good match for the music. No posers and no people who think that they're so much cooler than thou. A pretty average bunch of 20-somethings really. Everybody's there to have a great time, and from the look of them it seems like they all are. I don't think I've ever gone with anybody who hasn't enjoyed themselves immensely.

Happy hour starts when the doors open at 9.30 allowing for a good bit of cut price intoxication to be had before things really start to get going after 11pm. After that point the gradually start to sneak in the more cheese-esque music. Basically the odd 80s or 90s pop hit, but nothing too offensive of frequent.

Entry's cheaper with a flyer, printoff-able from their website at

If you do decide to go, I hope you have an excellent evening. I hope I've been at least vaguely helpful.

Oh, and whatever you decide to do, I hope you have a great birthday.