Well it's my penultimate day working at Hertz, unless some last minute reprieve come along (which, in many ways, I hope it doesn't) and my final day having a regular lunch break. Tradition dictates that tomorrow, on my final day, I'll have to take a 2 hour break which will be spent entirely in the pub. Of course, I am a little worried that nobody else will come along thus proving exactly how unpopular I really am, but we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see.
In other words, this is the last time I'll be typing anything whilst in Uxbridge Library. If I'm not working in the area I think it's highly unlikely I'll ever come back here; It's not exactly one of England's most important spots of natural beauty after all. Still, at least today there a e no freaks about and I'm being left in relative peace, sitting, as I am, completely alone, a good 10m away from anybody else.
Right, so a status update. I finally managed to find somewhere that would sell me an iPod Touch; The Apple Store in Brent Cross. A quick call to them on Wednesday afternoon confirmed that they had “Loads” in stock (I can only assume that they're hoarding them, preventing other less fortunate retailers from taking any deliveries until they've made the most out of being the country's sole supplier). Straight after work I drove down to Brent Cross and, after double checking that HMV and Currys really wouldn't be able to sell me one (the rather helpful guy in HMV actually suggested that my best bet would be the Apple Store) I walked in to the Apple store looked around a bit, until a plump sales assistant asked me if I needed any help. “Yes”, I said, I'll have a 32gb iPod Touch please. Minutes later I finally had my iPod. It's fair to say that I'm really impressed. Yes, at £289 it did cost an awful lot of money, but, and I can say this in all honesty, I'm suffering not one iota of buyer's remorse. I'll probably say more about it in a future post, but I can't imagine that I'll give it any less than a glowing review. My only concern is that the iPod Touch will act as a sort of Gateway Gadget and lead on to harder Apple products. Let's put it this way, just a few days later I found myself in John Lewis looking at the Macbooks and, for the first time, considering the possibility that it might be a good idea to buy one once my main laptop dies. Scary stuff. I may yet deviate from the true Windows faith and become a Macolite (despite the added expense for what is, on a hardware level at least, pretty much the same machine as a Windows based PC).
Monday, September 29, 2008
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