Thursday, December 04, 2008

Dreams that almost certainly won’t come true. Part 1

Wait, I’ve just thought of something vaguely interesting. My dreams seem to be having a profound effect on me recently. I’m not sure If I’ve mentioned this already. If I have, here’s a recap. The unfortunate problem with dreams is that as time passes, they gradually fade from your memory. Lat week I had a dream that left me completely stressed out when I woke up. Yet, I can’t recall a single thing that happened in it.

Another time I had a sort of Science-fictiony dream. The details are a little hazy, but I do remember that I was in one of a series of futuristic-style houses on a long stretch of quite white-sanded beach. The decoration was kind of minimalistic. Everything was gleaming white and pristine, kind of like a combination of the bridge of the Enterprise in the new Star Trek film (I had just seen the new trailer the night before, so I guess that could have been an influence) and an Apple store. I actually thought it all looked pretty nice. Kind of like my ideal combination of technology and nature. For some reason I’ve always wanted to live by water. I have no real idea why. It’s not like I have any childhood memories of near sea dwelling. The closest I’ve ever got to living by a sea or river was when I had my final house in Staines, and I was at least 300 meters away from the banks of the Thames. Maybe it’s some sort of genetic memory or a shared consciousness sort of thing. I am, after all, English, and we are a seafaring nation. Nope, that just sounds like bollocks.

Anyway, that’s just drivel. I’ll get back to the dream. So, I’m sitting happily in my beachfront iHome, when all of a sudden, the strange plain white globe like object in my living room rose up in to the air. At this point I’m a little hazy. I seem to remember it glowing with a purple light and emitting some sort of orange gas. I opened the sliding doors onto the beach and walked outside. It soon became obvious that the same thing had happened to everybody else on the beech. The coastline was gradually becoming enveloped by this strange orange mist. It was then that a girl with short, blonde hair approached me. I think it was the Speedster girl from the TV show Heroes (I’d watched an episode the previous night), though it could have been someone else. I really don’t know. Anyway, we had some sort of conversation (I think it was about what was going on. That would be the obvious thing I guess. After all, the weird spherical things in your living room don’t turn purple and emit an orange gaseous substance every day). She kissed me and left. Then I woke up. Jesus, it seems like every time I write “and then she kissed me” it’s always followed by “then I woke up”. I must sort my life out. Ideally I’d like to reverse the order of those two sentences. Yeah, that would work for me.

I’ll talk about the dream I had a few nights ago in my next post.

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