Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I’m back to bore you all a little more

Well, I really haven't posted anything in a while have I? I admit, I've been incredibly lazy. So lazy that it took me almost 6 weeks to actually post the long since finished entry that immediately precedes this one. Well, maybe I should update all you lovely people on my situation. So, when last we met I had just got a crappy little job as a telephonist for a company that sells doors. Well, my situation has improved... slightly. After a mere two weeks the company noticed my potential and promoted me to the position of account manager. This, I should assure you, has nothing to do with accountancy. That, I imagine, would be an accounts manager (note the "S"). I, on the other hand, am and account manager, which, as far as I can gather means I manage accounts. I say as far as I can gather because nobody has really gone to the trouble of explaining to me exactly what i should be doing. Still, I get my own desk and a computer, so I'm happy. I even got a pen holder today, so now I'm completely delighted. Actually the change of job is a good thing because now I don’t have to get up so early.

Tragically, I haven't done anything else of late, save for gradually losing more of my hair. At this rate I'll probably have Jack Nicholson's hairline by end of the year. Obviously my body's gradual decay isn't going to help me in my aim to get actually get a shag by the end of the year. Long-time readers of my blog (and I'm sure that there are at least two of them) will be aware that I, possibly foolishly, managed to fuck up the opportunity for a guaranteed shag. I actually told an ex-girlfriend what happened and she seemed to think that I'd done the right thing. Of course it could just be that she was relieved I didn't sleep with the girl because she couldn’t stand the idea of me copulating with anybody else. Somehow I doubt it though. But enough dwelling on the past, I must somehow work on a way of talking my way into the boudoir of some pretty young thing. I shouldn't really approach this so cynically. I am, after all, not a sex-obsessed teenager anymore. I'm now a sex obsessed twenty-something. But seriously, I was lying in bed the other day wishing I wasn't alone. I wasn't looking for shag though. Lamely I just wanted to have someone special close to me. Maybe that goes a little way towards explaining my reluctance to jump into bed with that girl the other month. Could I really be looking for a little bit more? Or am I just turning into a girl as the more overtly masculine amongst you might suggest?

Well, I really should think about going to bed now, what with having work tomorrow. Hell, I may even figure out a little bit more about what I'm supposed to be doing there.