Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I despair

Believe it or not I told a friend of mine that it was easy to get an upgrade for his mobile phone. He said that he didn’t have time. I said that all you needed to do was make one phone call. It’d take five minutes tops. I think that this is the most wrong I have ever been.

Sorry to keep going on about this, but in this post I'm going to talk about my new phone. It didn't come. Instead I was sent yet another black one. I am somewhat more than mildly annoyed with o2. Apparently (I say apparently for, well, reasons that should be apparent), they are sending out the correct silver one tomorrow. I'm not exactly counting on it. I have absolutely no faith in their abilities to get anything right. I did get a sort of explanation why I got the wrong phone. According to the dim sounding guy at o2 "we didn't have any of the silver ones in stock then" before he added "but we do now."

We'll see.

Anyway if it does end up coming tomorrow I'll probably go shopping for new glasses on Friday. I've been wearing my current ones for way too long. They're so covered in scratches that I can almost see more clearly without them than with. There's also a small chip in the corner of the left lens from when a friend and I, drunk after returning to his house following a night out in Brighton, go involved in a play fight. Yes, immature I know, but surely alcohol provides a reasonable excuse. After a somewhat week and ineffectual punch to my face my friend caught his hand on my glasses. They went flying, the lens left the frame upon impact with the pavement. Luckily The chip is barely visible, unless you really look, which is why I’ve been able to get away with it for the last few years. I suspect my prescription's changed a little too as I tend to get a few more headaches than I used to. One night last week I had terrible eyestrain after an evening reading from my laptop. Anyway, it’s way overdue time for a change.

And on the subject of change, I think I may call up an employment agency next week, probably the one recommended by a friend. I really don’t have the stomach to go through sending off hundreds of applications, only to be turned down by pretty much all of them. I must have applied for hundreds of jobs straight after university. Rejection letters followed for some, most didn’t bother replying at all. A few actually called me in for interviews, but they never went anywhere. I only ended up getting my first job after a friend heard that there was a position going at his friends firm. And that didn’t exactly work out for me.

I haven’t really had much luck with work. All of my jobs have been pretty crap and they’ve eventually made me pretty miserable. Bearing that in mind you can understand why I’m so reluctant to embark upon yet another journey towards misery. Still, it’s got to be better than staying here. God, I really need to move out and leave Harrow behind for good. It’s not that it’s a particularly bad area its just so bland, so mediocre. People say “Oh Harrow’s not that bad. It’s got easy access into Central London.” You know that somewhere really sucks when the best thing that you can say about it is that it’s easy to leave.

Anyway, I have to go to bed soonish. I have to wake up early tomorrow so that I can stay in all day waiting for o2 to deliver the wrong phone.

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