Monday, November 13, 2006

Some good news

Well, after that extended rant about the inadequacies of couriers, I have at least discovered that some thing good has happened. Since I go broadband I’ve been saddled with a lowly 512K connection due, apparently, to my “poor quality line”. I got an email from my ISP telling me that there would be a short outage of my service today whilst they installed their LLU equipment in my local exchange. A little after 12am, my internet connection died. It came back on again 30 mins later and I continued with my www related business.

I just checked a download and discovered that it was going at a speed far in excess of my previous limit. So, I went into my router settings and low and behold I now have a 2mb connection. I’m sure that it’s probably temporary; maybe they’ haven’t set up their equipment properly yet, but it’s nice none the less.

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